Mike, Slightly Yellowed Oh I remember a friend having one of those Quickshot ball things and swearing he loved it, but I think he was just in denial after having spent money on it.
OK so don't necessarily take my tastes in joysticks as gospel because I grew up using knock-off Atari CX-40s with our C64, so those are peak nostalgia for me and playing anything on a C64 with anything else isn't quite right (though the StarBlazer that's just out of frame there is quite nice for short sessions)... so yeah I clearly have no taste.
That old C64 power supply is making me nervous, even just sitting there in a cupboard though. 😀
Funny about that, it's actually there because I still use the AC side of it. The DC side is disconnected (it's fine right now, at 5.2V unloaded, which I think is "normal", but like you I don't trust them as far as I can throw them) and I feed 5V 2A into the DC pin from a modern PSU. I'm going to replace it with one that that german guy builds one day, but I keep finding other things to buy first with my meager fun budget!